In this Episode Traci talks about some things you can do to make the changing seasons easier on yourself.
In another fall-themed journal Traci asks the question ‘Goonies or Monster Squad?’ Sure they’re both great in their own right, but can you really choose one over the other?
Traci talks about how she shook off the sluggish weather and what she did to welcome in her favorite season.
Traci talks about her day for the girls in Door County. Sometimes it’s not about where you go or what you do, it’s about the people and the time you spend with them.
This week Eric and Traci talk about finding the comfort in the often uncomfortable silence, whether it is in a conversation or simply in every day life. With practiced silence those uncomfortable silences get easier each time thhey come along.
Eric and Traci talk about thier second of two back-to-back trips. This one includes a wedding reception and the all important trip tp Gettysburg to go spirit hunting..I mean learn about history.
On this journal Eric and Traci talk about their recent backpacking trip to Beaver Island.
Throughout life we have known people who give more energy than they take and vice versa. Today we are going to talk about some of the qualities in energy givers and takers in not only people but in habits and things as well.
Eric went away to his brother’s for the weekend…but what did they get up to?
Eric brought some interesting podcast knowledge home for Traci and decided to spread the wealth to the entire audience.