Episode 14: Turning the Tables- Ask Eric

Understanding and Supporting a Partner with Depression: A Personal Perspective




Welcome back to another episode of Stigmas and Open Wounds. In today’s episode, we’re flipping the tables and I’m going to ask Eric some questions. Some of these questions I’ve asked him before in roundabout ways, but some of these I’ve just really been curious about. Honestly, I think they’ll be really helpful to other people too. Maybe to people who think, you know, because I’ve had a mental illness, I can’t find love or something like that. Maybe I can’t find a best friend, anything like that. So really, I think some of Eric’s insight today is really gonna be helpful. So. All right, well let’s get to the questions.


Do You Remember How You Felt When I Told You I Was Depressed?


    Eric recalls not fully understanding depression when Traci first told him about it.

    He compares it to his own experiences with depression in high school, acknowledging that everyone’s experience with mental health is unique.


Has It Gotten Easier Over the Years?


    Eric admits that it has gotten a lot easier to understand and support Traci through her struggles with depression.

    He attributes this to better control, improved coping mechanisms, and a deeper understanding of Traci’s illness and their dynamic as a couple.


What Has Being with Me Taught You?


    Being with Traci has taught Eric patience, understanding, and empathy.

    He has become more aware of the prevalence and complexity of mental illness, and the importance of creating a safe and open environment for discussing mental health.




In conclusion, being in a relationship with someone who suffers from depression has taught Eric valuable lessons and has given him a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness. It has also highlighted the importance of destigmatizing the conversation around mental health and offering support to those who may be struggling.


For more episodes and discussions on mental health, you can find us on Instagram and email us at stigmasandopenwounds@gmail.com. Stay tuned for our next episode in 2 weeks. Thank you for listening.